If you have suggestions or comments about thsi website's content, design, accessibility or usability please email or call

See our staff page for individual contact information.

University of Wisconsin at Madison Office

MIDWEST Project Manager and Wisconsin Coordinator, Amy Fruchtman

Phone: or 1-866-857-4358
Fax: 608-262-6466
Email: [email protected]
Mail: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 338 Goodnight Hall, 1975 Willow Drive, Madison, WI 53706

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office

MIDWEST Illinois Coordinator, Norma Stumbo

Phone: 309-660-1771
Fax: 217-333-0248
Mail: Disability Resources and Educational Services, 1207 South Oak Street,Champaign, IL 61820


University of Northern Iowa Office

Education Coordinator, Greg Stefanich

Phone: 319-273-2167 or 319-273-2073
Fax: 319-273-5886
Email: [email protected]
Mail: SEC 618, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA  50614-0606



Page last updated 10/04/2006