Are you a high school student with a disability who is interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)? Would you like to have all your questions about transition to college or university, study skills, and accommodations answered? Would you like to learn from someone else who has already graduated from high school and gone to a college or university?
If YES!, please apply to be a MIDWEST Scholar. As a MIDWEST Scholar, you will be matched with a MIDWEST Mentor who has a similar disability and a similar STEM interest.
Scholars will be assigned to one of three mentorship groups, but will meet with their Mentors one-on-one:
Mentors will come to your school to meet with you face-to-face for monthly mentorship sessions. During these sessions, you can ask questions about STEM, about transition to college, about accommodations.
You will meet with your undergraduate Mentor via the internet. You will communicate at least once/month using e-mail or chats. You can ask questions and address your concerns about STEM, transitioning to college, and accommodations.
If assigned to this group, you will sometimes meet your Mentor face-to-face and sometimes meet using e-mail or chats.
Please select the application format that works best for you. Download the application; follow the instructions on the first page.
Application in .pdf format (Requires Adobe Reader -- Download the latest version of Adobe Reader)
Application in .doc format
Alicia Blegen
Mentorship Program Coordinator
MIDWEST Alliance in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
University of Wisconsin—Madison
Page last updated 02/28/07